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Public Safety

Feeling and being safe in Centennial is a non-negotiable for our residents.  In my time in City Council I have supported our law enforcement so they can better protect our community.  I have helped expand the number of officers who serve Centennial, increased funding for body worn cameras and file storage, and hosted town hall meetings with Sheriff Tyler Brown to talk about training of Deputies and ACSO accreditation. 


Very often we find that schools need special resources to protect our kids.  I have supported pairing service dogs with Senior Resource Officers, and our Reading with Horses program in our elementary schools. 


I will continue to foster great working relationships with Deputies, review Centennial contracts to ensure our needs are being met, and review service levels to ensure timely response to calls. 

Baby Clothing Store

Supporting Local Business

As a small business owner myself, I know of both of the vibrancy we bring to Centennial, and the squeeze we often feel.  I have supported getting grant funding to Centennial businesses during COVID when many faced shutting down.  I led the request to include non-profits in these grant processes and approved by majority of the Council.​ I also made sure delivery fees were capped to help our local restaurants when in-person dining was shut down.


I am also a strong advocate for the Centennial Spark Program and encouraged many Centennial small businesses to participate. The Spark Program offers community-led roundtable discussions and online learning opportunities that are designed to spark positive impact for business owners. Additionally, I am on the Board for the South Metro Chamber of Commerce, a non-partisan that advocates for regulations that create a strong business climate that works for everybody. 


As Mayor, I will implement an ongoing program that highlights local businesses in our community. One hope I have is to create a "Taste of Centennial" event where we can showcase some of the best food in the world is right here at home. 


Housing is a top issue in Centennial. Many people cannot afford to get into the housing market because of a regulatory environment which has limited our supply. I have engaged with our State elected officials to find ways we can partner to solve these issues, including testifying on updating construction defect policies to allow more construction of condominiums in Colorado.


As a member of the Centennial Housing Working Group, where we worked to take on the issues here at home. Together we have investigated many housing programs/grant availabilities, supported funding for senior housing projects and 

grant funding for affordable housing conversion of a commercial building near the Belleview Station light rail station. We have also supported new infill zoning planning to provide predictability for developers building in Centennial and new Live/Work Zoning within the city.


I will continue to work with developers to ensure that those who work and want to live in our City can afford to do so. I will also continue to work with the State Legislature to review and update construction defect policies and provide opportunity for homeownership with apartment to condominium conversion. Within this it is crucial to work with non-profit builders to provide opportunities for senior/veteran and family housing.

Modern Housing Project

Fostering Community

What I love about Centennial is that we always find opportunities for place making throughout our city. From block parties, apple gleaning, and scout projects to Holi festivals at the Hindu Temple and the Bangladesh annual picnic held at Centennial Center Park. We know how to get together. 


In my time in City Council I have presented at Scout Pack meetings, Girl Scout camp, neighborhood HOA/Civic Association meetings, and Centennial Council of Government meetings. I have supported the art work on the traffic boxes throughout the city, the creation of the Centennial Arts & Cultural Foundation, the founding of District Summer Socials and the YMCA Center of Generations. 



I want to expand our upcoming community events to celebrate the 25th year anniversary of our City, as well as Colorado's 150 year and the United States 250 years anniversaries, and continue to provide opportunities to showcase the diverse communities located in our city.

Great Spaces

Some of the biggest projects I helped with are:

- Expanded Centennial Civic Center Park

- Updated of the Centennial Splash Pad – ranked in top 5 in the nation

- Updated the playgrounds at several parks with South Suburban Parks & Recreation 

- Created new place making signage and new trees along the highline canal with the Highline Canal Conservancy

- Supported providing grants to Trails recreation district to update playgrounds and bike pump stations

- Expanded Dove Valley Regional Park to include an off the leash dog park, additional paths, and bike park.

- Supported the Centennial Link Trail that connects the entire city


However, we still have more to do! To name a few: help Camp Pickle open, working with our Arapahoe County partners as the transfer ownership from Denver Water is completed, work with our Park & Recreation Districts to ensure residents have access to green space, and complete the Centennial Link Trail looking at opportunities to utilize the completion of the trail to highlight our city.

Public Works

I am proud of a few key accomplishments in this realm in the last five years. I supported the design work on Colorado Blvd being the first multi-modal road in Centennial, the Arapahoe Rd Bridge new design adding accessible sidewalks, additional pedestrian signals, new traffic signals, and reduced the costs of several projects in the city.


Since driving is the riskiest act most of us take daily, it is imperative to increase safety on the roads. I have helped reduce neighborhood speed limits to 25 miles per hour, neighborhood sign programs reminding drivers to slow down, led the request and received additional funding for sidewalk materials, and helped widen Orchard Rd which includes a safer Highline Canal access as well as sidewalks. 


 I will continue to maintain the city's largest asset, our streets, by ensuring we fund the necessary work needed to keep our streets in good repair. I also will continue to review opportunities for additional multi-modal opportunities and look at micro-mobility opportunities connecting citizens to light rail, business districts and entertainment centers throughout the city.


Centennial now has some interesting uses of sustainable energy, trash collection, and water use. While being a Council Member I supported the building energy audit, funded new solar canopies at both City owned buildings which have reduced costs, and found grant opportunities to review our trash lifecycle within Centennial, Littleton, Sheridan and Englewood. 


I would like to look at water wise landscaping opportunities both at City owned assets as well as implementing a program for new developments. I will also continue to monitor the 3-year trash lifecycle grant to determine our best practices moving forward.  

Solar Power Station

Fiscal Responsibility

I have been a part of both the Centennial Audit and Budget Committees, where we maintain budget standards, including reserves in funds, and ensure both legal compliance and responsibility. I approved that online shopping taxes are collected where packages are delivered (not shipped) which now accounts for over 40% of the city's sales tax revenues.  


As Mayor I will continue to effectively manage the needs and services we provide citizens with the revenue we receive by identifying needs to ensure a vibrant and safe city, ensuring process improvements to reduce costs, and managing projects efficiently to meet deadlines. 

Christine Sweetland


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Registered Agent: Jane Ringer

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